Anthony De Freitas
Anthony de Freitas is an Economist and Public Accountant. with studies in Marketing and Consumer Behavior from Texas University and Sales Management from the Superior Management Institute (IESA).
From 1970 to 1980 Anthony De Freitas worked as General Manager for the biggest central-region supermarket chain in Venezuela. In 1980 he founded Consorcio Promoting C.A., nowadays one of the most important trade marketing companies in Venezuela, with a team that exceeds 4,000 employees.
Mr. De Freitas is also President of Survey (Market Research Company), and Sponsor and President of Dale Carnegie Venezuela, franchise that last year occupied the first place (among all Dale Carnegie’s franchises in the world) in training sales force capital.
Antony de Freitas founded Promoting USA, LLC in USA in 2012 where he is currently CEO and leads the Trade Marketing consulting Division.